How to edit an existing order✏️

If you have already created an order and shared the link with your customer, you can still make any necessary changes to the cart using the Zbooni app or the Dashboard.

Editing an existing order from the Zbooni App 

Step-by-Step Actions: 

  1. Log in to your Zbooni App

  2. Tap on "Orders"

  3. Tap on "Pending"

  4. Tap on "Link Shared"
  5. Tap on the order you'd like to edit and make the necessary changes! 

Editing an existing order from the Dashboard 

Step-by-Step Actions: 

1. Log in to your Dashboard 

You can access your Dashboard from Zbooni's homepage: or directly at 


2. Fill in your credentials

You can use your app login credentials to sign in


3. Click on "Orders"

4. Click on "Pending Payments"
5. Click on "Link Shared"
6. Click on the order you'd like to update


What are you able to update?

-Adding an item from your catalog

-Increasing or decreasing the quantity of an item

-Applying or Editing a discount

-Locking and unlocking the cart

-Sharing the link again via WhatsApp

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