How to set up and update user roles 👥

As your sales team grows, you can grant multiple users access to the dashboard. This will allow them to create orders, share customer links, and close sales. To safeguard sensitive data, you can tailor each user's access to information. Additionally, you can easily deactivate or activate users as required.

Step-by-Step Actions: 

1. Log in to your Dashboard 

You can access your Dashboard from Zbooni's homepage: or directly at 


2. Fill in your credentials

You can use your app login credentials to sign in.


3. Click "User Management" on the left side panel 


4. Click "Add a new account"


5. Add the user's basic information 


6. Assign the role of the user 

Admin Role provides access to all the store's capabilities

Sales Role allows access to all actions except for performing a wallet payout. 


7. Click "Create Account"

Finalize and create the new user account.


You can always update the user's profile & role by following these steps: 

1. Click on the user's name 


2. Click "Edit" to update the user's basic information 


3. Click "Edit" to update the user's role 

Pro Tip: You can choose to Deactivate and Activate the user's account by simply clicking the following button. 


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